
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Dodger Pics on Twitter

So who's got time to go through twitter to see all of the Dodger goodness it has to offer. Well, I do, apparently. Yhea, I've got a busy life.

With the 1981 World Series trophy, via Tommy Lasorda.

How about Tommy with Mario Andretti.

Wow. Just awesome. Via AlexPudl1n.

Geddy Lee of Rush is a huge Dodger fan. Don't believe me. Check out this photo below. Via djdruemitchell.

Pee Wee Hauling Some Bats

Pee Wee Reese just can't seem to decide which bat he wants to use, so he figures he'll just take them all.

(eBay Auction Link)

WooHoo! Group Case Break Mojo!

I love it when a plan comes together. Several months back the fine ladies of A Cardboard Problem put together a group case break of a brand new card product called Gypsy Queen. I had previously written briefly about it by highlighting the Koufax auto a few days ago, here. Well, I immediately jumped in to join the fun and was fortunate to snag the Dodgers as my team in the break. Fast forward to this past Thursday as the cases were released and a live break was performed online for the 20+ other participants to see what we got. (Watch here to see them open the case)

I was hopeful that some magic would come my way, and fortunately the stars aligned just right. I won't go into full details until the package of Dodger goodies arrive sometime early next week, but I will provide a peek at one of the "big hits" that has me reeling. They pulled out a "1 of 1" yellow printing plate of Duke Snider. Check it out below!
This will be the very first printing plate in my collection and I can't tell you how exciting I am about it. Below is the reverse of the card. Now, this is just a small taste of all the incredible "hits" I will be receiving, so stay tuned as I will be posting them all up as soon as they arrive. And no, I didn't get a Koufax, but there is some other mojo. If you can't wait, check out their post here, here and here to see many of the cards they pulled in the case.

Thanks ladies! It was definitely the best group break I've ever been a part of.