"They just didn't want my ideas to get in," Marshall says. "That's ridiculous. But that's the small-mindedness of Major League Baseball. They don't know what the hell they're doing. And if I get in, everybody will know that they don't know what the hell they're doing."To tell you the truth I don't know anything about pitching at this level. Are the arm injuries that seem so common today the result of habits that have long been the staple of Major League Baseball? Has Doc Marshall discovered the optimal way to pitch? Is organized Baseball fearful of his teachings? Or are they just fed up with him overall? Who knows, but i figure if he can help a ballclub win games then he must be worth listening to. If his players experience less injuries, then there must be someone in Baseball willing to take an objective look.
Of course, I'm reminded of a phrase I once read many moons ago that may very well explain Baseball's reluctance. I'll do my best to rephrase it since I can't find the original quote now.
"The ability to understand an issue is dependent on how it effects your livelihood."
For example, it would be impossible for an oil executive or those who benefit from oil to truly understand and accept the impact of oil consumption and global warming since doing so would negatively effect that persons livelihood. If global warming truly exist and oil consumption is a major reason for its existence, then oil company executives will have to accept a reduction in their corporate revenue since the world would seek to reduce the overall consumption of oil. This would directly cause paychecks to dwindle in that industry. Jobs would diminish. Entire local and national economies could be decimated around the world. Hubert's Peak is another good example of this within this industry.
Likewise, Baseball could not possibly understand or accept Dr. Marshall's ideas since doing so could not only revolutionize what they know or don't know about pitching, but could also mean the potential loss of jobs for countless number of coaches around the league.
Change is difficult. Just my two cents.
LA Time Story Link:
Photo Link: Baseball-Almanac:
2002 Interview with Dr. Marshall on BP: Part 1: Part II:
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