
Wednesday, June 06, 2007

In Remembrance of D-Day

FDR's D-Day Prayer

YouTube Link:
HatTip: Thanks Aaron!:

Below are photos from of Normandy Beach taken this past New Years by John Aravosis at AmericaBlog.
Photo Links: AmericaBlog:

BP Sings Little's Praise

In the relatively short amount of time we have gotten to know Grady Little as manager of the Dodgers I must say that I am glad he is here. He has been a calming force in an organization that has seen nothing but strife since the FOX ownership and subsequent sale to the McCourt's. For the first time in years the Dodgers feel like the team I remember as a kid. Sure, I can barely understand him when he is being interviewed, but I think his deep southern accent and home-spun nature has rubbed off on the players and the fans.

You don't believe me. Well, let's see what Nomar has to say.
“He’s a great manager,” said Garciaparra, who joined his hometown Dodgers prior to the start of last season and made the transition from shortstop to first baseman. “What makes him great is how he handles people. He has a lot of respect for all the players. He understands how difficult this game is to play, and he also understands the strengths and weaknesses of his players. He sets a very good tone in the clubhouse. He keeps things nice and relaxed, and that’s the attitude you need to be successful. Teams that are uptight usually don’t perform well.”
It is about RESPECT.

Jason Schmidt knows Grady pretty well also.
Schmidt had played for Little while coming up through the Atlanta Braves’ farm system. “He tells it like it is, and I think every player, deep down, appreciates that,” Schmidt said. “He’ll tell you when you’ve done good things, but he’ll also lay it on the line when things are bad. Maybe you don’t want to hear the bad, and you’ll go in the corner and cry about it for a day, but you also realize and appreciate that you’re being dealt with honestly. And the record shows he’s a winner.”
It is about HONESTY.

What does Grady Little have to say about all of the accolades.
“The thing is that we have a good team,” Little said. “We’re really solid in every area and have a bunch of guys who fit well together. Ned Colletti has done a good job of building a winning team, and we have a good farm system backing it up.”
It is about MODESTY.


Check out the rest of the article from Baseball Prospectus here.