
Friday, January 16, 2009

Andruw Jones is a Tool

Diamond Leung points to an interview Andruw gave yesterday to some morning guys in Atlanta.
Asked to explain why numbers with the Dodgers were what they were, Jones said, "I think I was just not in good shape, I think."
Ya think?

Go check out Diamonds brief story and then listen to the interview. Of course, if you still want to keep you hair (since you'll probably want to pull yours out) then ignore the interview. Sometimes it's best to be blissfully ignorant because I'm starting to think it might have been better not to listen to this sorry bum speak.

Sign Martin Long Term

After reading on several occasions last year that Russell Martin was content with one year contracts we now find that he is changing his tune.
"I'm always interested in a long-term deal," Martin said. "Who wouldn't be?"
Unfortunately, Colletti has yet to get the word.
General Manager Ned Colletti said the Dodgers are "concentrating on a one-year [contract] at the moment."
Maybe it's time to start thinking long term, eh. On the positive side, Russell signals that he will be realistic.
"I just want to get treated fairly," he said. "I'm not trying to steal the bank."
In other news several other Dodgers, including Martin, filed for arbitration yesterday- they include Jonathon Broxton, Andre Ethier and Jason Repko.