
Monday, January 04, 2010

Hey, Piazza in Blue

Several months ago Topps announced the reintroduction of their high-end card product called Topps Tribute. I wrote about it previously here and showed a couple of Dodger cards that would be available in packs. Now, Beckett shows off some cards they pulled recently from a promotional box on their site and it includes a Mike Piazza card in a Dodger uniform. Check it out above. Piazza is seen in his unforgettable and immediately recognizable follow-through as he takes a mighty swing. Just awesome.

The boxes go live in less than a week. Considering the expected price for a box at over $200.00, they are not for the timid.

Card of the Week: Dual Autos

This is this weeks "Card of the Week" only because I really like the card. After all, pitching is what will take the team to the playoffs and I believe these two guys will be the keys to a successful 2010 season. It is a 2007 Upper Deck Exquisite dual signature card of Chad Billingsley and Hong-Chih Kuo. It has a clean design and the autos really allow it to stand out. I don't even dislike the on-sticker autographs.