
Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Record Scream

Some strange things going on at Dodger Stadium recently. Last night the Dodger crowd broke the Guinness World Record for the longest scream by a crowd lasting 60 seconds and at 106 dBA. Ozzy Osbourne lead the way.

Check out the video below as Vin Scully remarks, "you scream. I scream. We all scream for ice cream."

YouTube Link:

Ready for the World Cup

The game between the USA and England starts at any moment. I usually could care less about this game, but this is the greatest sport tournament in the world. After all, you have to get excited about this match between the world power and its former colonial master.

To help you prepare check out one of America's stars, Clint Dempsey, below.

YouTube Link:

eBay: An Old-Timers Game

Here is a great vintage LA Dodgers "Old-Timers" game program from August 24, 1975.

Why don't the Dodgers do this anymore? I say bring back the "Old-Timers" game!