
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Mascot Power

I can't repeat enough how much I enjoy Gary's blog and his Infinite Baseball card set and descriptions. His site is a reason why the internet and blogs are so great. He masterfully combines art with history, and a passion for the game with stories that helped define that passion.

His most recent creation is one I think all Baseball fans should immediately go over to and check out. I mean it. Go over there right now. Gary introduces us to a Baseball mascot, Eddie Bennett, who is better known for his exploits with the powerful Yankees of the 1920's and 1930's, but also has his finger on a Dodger team. Below is a brief excerpt:
Somehow, Eddie had switched over to Brooklyn for the 1920 season and wouldn't you know it, Brooklyn wins the pennant that year. However, after winning 2 out of 3 games at home, the team left Eddie behind when they went on the road to play Cleveland and without their lucky charm were promptly lost 4 straight games and the series. A dejected and offended Eddie left the team in disgust.
Now, you need to go to his site for the rest of the story.

BTW, I had purchased his set some time ago, but have not gotten around to posting anything about. I promise I will do that as soon as possible.

RIP: Bobby Thompson

Bobby Thompson died yesterday at the age of 86. As all good Dodger fans know he perpetrated a great offense to us all. He hit a pennant deciding home run against the "Boys in Blue" in 1951. They have since called it the "Shot Heard 'Round the World." Although his indiscretion in favor of the hated Giants should curry some hatred from me, I just cannot muster it. He was a fine man who had a fine career.

Rest in Peace, "Flying Scot."

Vintage Dodger Pics on eBay

HYee Auctions once again brings out the quality vintage press photos on eBay. Here are a handful of my favorites.

Here, Pee Wee Reese checks out the latest article from Baseball Magazine. It sold for a hefty $270.55.
(eBay Auction Link)

Campy and his kids poss for the cameras. It sold for $23.49.

This is a gorgeous Jackie Robinson in a Montreal Royals uniform, circa 1946. It sold for an astounding $888.88.