
Monday, December 13, 2010

Mailbag: A Ethan Martin Signature

Here is a recent eBay purchase that came in the mail several weeks back. This is not the most attractive card out there, but it is a nice autograph of our 1st round draft pick from 2008. Besides, it was cheap- $1.30 cheap. Here is the 2008 Razor Letterman autograph card of Ethan Martin.

OT: A Yogi Bear Parody

I hate to put on a video here that is a bit of a downer, but it is so well done I though it only proper to share. One warning, though, is that it can be a little much for children (it's definitely something that should require some adult supervision, if not explanation).

Here is a parody video made by a animator- not related to the studio or creators of the movie.
(Edmund) Earle decided to re-fashion a new ending to “Yogi Bear” by casting the titular hero and his sidekick Boo-Boo as the leads in his take on “The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford,” a drama written and directed by Andrew Dominik and starring Brad Pitt and Casey Affleck. He chose “Jesse James” because he happened to be watching it at time, and thought the drama would be an excellent counterpart to a picnic basket-stealing bear. “It was an organic creation,” he says.
Now watch it below. I found it strangely poignant. I wouldn't be surprised if it gets taken down soon. (Hat Tip: Cardboard Junkie)

YouTube Link: