
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

"I Want Jeter, Not Rodriguez"

I would like to apologize in advance for my lack of blogging the past several weeks. It's just that work and the surprising play of the LA Kings has got me concentrating on things other than Baseball. Fortunately, a recent interview happened that instigated a sports collision between the bat and the puck.

It is not often that Baseball and hockey collide, but this morning there was a clear crash that got me thinking about a potential blog post. Rich Hammond, writer of the "Inside the Kings" blog (Tony Jackson's peer at the Daily News) is in the midst of posting a lengthy interview he recently had with Kings GM Dean Lombardi.

Lombardi was asked about the status of winger Alexander Frolov as a core member of the team, but what is a core player? Lombardi went on to define "core" as player who gives to the team more than just his stats. A core player is someone who cares about winning and being a teammate. He then adds this line.
"I tell these kids, the difference between (Alex) Rodriguez and (Derek) Jeter is a huge friggin' difference. They better understand that I want Jeter, not Rodriguez."
Well said.

So who on the Dodgers do you consider a core member? Who do you consider to be "Jeter-like?"

BTW, "Inside The Kings" is, by far, the best team blog, for any team or sport, from a mainstream news source there is. Rich Hammond is a miracle worker for information-starved fans. My apologies to Dodger Thoughts.


  1. The late '90s Yankees weren't just Jeter. They had Petite, Rivera, Jorge Posada and Bernie Williams come up from the farm system at around the same time. They had a home-grown core of five that reinforced each other. The free agent regulars were guys like Tino Martinez and Paul O'Neil. Guys that were more tone setters than stars.

    The Dodgers have the chance to have the same type of thing with Russell Martin, James Loney, Matt Kemp, Andre Ethier, Chad Billingsley, Clayton Kershaw and Jon Broxton. However, they need the tone setting vets. Guys like Kent were horrible in that role. As great a hitter as Manny is, I doubt that he can really set a tone.

  2. I agree Dean. The Yankees had a core group of several players. It's important to remember, though, that all those guys had that winning demeanor. The key point, I think, is that it is the intangibles that win championships and the Yankees had that in large numbers. Hence, their World Series runs several years back. What's interesting is that since the Yanks have tried to buy another World Series, that includs getting ARod, they have not been able to win the big prize. I think the comparison between Jeter and Arod is apt. Players like Jeter win championships while an ARod type of player can oftentimes poison a clubhouse and lead to missed opportunities.

    I hope our young kids on the Dodgers grow into a Jeter-Like player. I think Martin is heading that way, but it's too early to tell if the others will follow.

    I think your right about Manny. He does not seem to provide the kind of leadership.

  3. LAME!!!!

    While intangibles can't be calculated, the only person that needs intangibles on the field is the coach.

    Intangibles can't help anyone hit the ball, catch the ball, or throw the ball. Those guys on the Yankees had talent. Just like the current Dodger team.

    There is no way anyone can make an argument that having Manny "hurts" this current Dodger team. Someone of his talent can only help. You honestly think if we sign him, he's going to come into the clubhouse and pull a Jeff Kant. I don't see it! He certainly isn't going to be Paul Oneil, Scott Brocious, or Tino Martinez.

    He will be Manny. The dude that people laugh at, including himself. And he will hit! We need Manny and Manny needs LA.
