
Friday, May 19, 2006

Weaver vs. Sele: Old Dodger vs. New Dodger: New Angel vs. Old Angel

Today we get to enjoy a match-up between regional rivals. A battle between cross-town teams. A rumble in SoCal. The real Los Angeles Dodgers square-off with the wanna-be Los Angeles Angels of anaheim. This face-off features former Dodger Jeff Weaver with current journeyman Aaron Sele. One man has been better than the other so far this season. Fortunately, it's Sele who has impressed the league. Albeit, he has just pitched in 2 games since being brought up from AAA Las Vegas. Nevertheless, he appears to have a new lease on life (career) and is able to come to the table without any worries or baggage. Weaver, on the otherhand, is trying to prove to himself and the league that he deserves a long term multi-million dollar contract. Unfortunately, Weaver has a sordid past. Does he have the moxie to shrug off those demons and prove to the Dodgers they should have signed him? So far, Weaver has been unimpressive. But as all us Dodger fans know, Weaver has an inexplicable way of turning on the jets and making us think he is the next Koufax. I know, that's a bit of a stretch, but, ya know, he can be very good. Almost God like out there. He just needs to be able to keep his head on straight. Can he do it, or will Sele prove that there is a second wind in baseball.

This is THE series to be at. The best sporting event in the area to watch. I'll be there on Sunday. And I promise to have pictures. I had previously promised pictures from the Dodgers vs. Giants match-up last week, but my friend, in his drunken fury, forgot to bring his camera to the game. No worries though. He tells me he spent the whole evening heckling the Giant crowd. He can be quite a obnoxious drunk when he wants to be. I'm surprised I didn't hear stories about a beat-down in the parking lot. Of course, the great Dodger in the sky would never let a Dodger faithful lose in the face of a Pumpkin riot.

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