
Friday, April 18, 2008

NO WAY! Joe Beimel Gets a Bobblehead

Troy from West Virginia is the man. Joe Beimel's biggest fan gets his wish. Welcome to Joe Beimel Bobblehead night at Dodger Stadium on August 12th.
The first 50,000 fans in attendance on July 25 will receive a Brad Penny bobblehead compliments of Cacique, while the first 50,000 fans on August 12 will take home a Joe Beimel bobblehead, compliments of Bank of America.
For the second consecutive season, the Dodgers conducted an online fan vote during Spring Training to determine one of the bobblehead promotions, and after Russell Martin garnered the most votes in 2007, Beimel took home the honors this season. With a strong Internet following, including a campaign that was orchestrated by his parents, Ron and Marge Beimel, the southpaw reliever earned the right to be immortalized in ceramic.
“This is a cool birthday present and a real honor,” said Beimel. “I really want to thank the fans who voted for me, and I know my kids will get a kick out of this. I just hope that I get into the game that night and help the team earn a victory.”
Yhea, Joe. Who you should really thank is Troy!

YouTube Link: TroyfromWestVirginia:


  1. ok so I completely missed the fan's vote. Who was on the ballot this year? but I am REALLY excited that Joe Beimel won

  2. I think every person on the team was eligible for a bobblehead. It's just that there was a fairly healthy internet campaign from both Beimel's folks and TroyfromWestVirginia (who made a youtube video called "The Legend of Joe Beimel") In fact, I suspect that Troy had alot more to do with the bobblehead thing.

  3. Troy and the rest of the guys at are the geniuses behind the Joe Beimel bobblehead campaign.

    I gotta give props where they belong.

    First to come up with it: DodgerBlues
