
Thursday, June 05, 2008

Dodgers Take Ethan Martin

Ethan Martin from Georgia is the Dodgers 1st pick of the 2008 Draft. Go to Dodger Thoughts for a roundup here.

Update: Thank you Jon for linking here from Dodger Thoughts. I thought I'd pass along some info in this update about the two cards shown here. They were exclusive cards made only for the 2007 AFLAC All American Baseball Classic in August 2007. The game was held in San Diego. From my understanding, each card is limited to a production of 250 cards. At the game each spectator was given 3 different cards of these teenage players, so the set may be very difficult to complete.
Update: From the Dodgers press release today:

“Ethan is a fantastic young athlete who excels on the mound with an exploding fastball and a sharp-biting curve,” said Assistant General Manager, Scouting Logan White. “He is a terrific competitor with first-class makeup.”

Martin last week was named the 2008 Gatorade Georgia State High School Player of the Year after going 11-1 with a 0.99 ERA as a senior at Stephens County High School (stats do not include last weekend’s Class AAA Georgia State Championship Series). He also had 141 strikeouts in 79.0 innings of work entering the season’s final series. Martin had entered the season as a Baseball America Second-Team Pre-Season High School All-American.

The 6-foot-3, 200-pounder was named as a 2007 AFLAC All-American after his junior season, during which he went 6-1 with 81 strikeouts and a 1.41 ERA.

The 18-year-old is rated by Baseball America as having the second-best fastball among draft-eligible high school pitchers. He is also rated by the publication as having the third-best secondary pitch amongst the same group.

“Ethan has a good angle on his fastball with late sinking action anywhere from 90-96 miles per hour,” said Scouting Director Tim Hallgren. “He also has a plus-curveball that has late three-quarter downward action at the plate.”

Martin entered the draft as the eighth-best pitcher – and the 16th-best overall prospect – among draft-eligible players according to Baseball America.

Although drafted by the Dodgers as a pitcher, Martin also played third base this season and hit .540 with 14 homers and 33 RBI in 31 games going into the Class AAA three-game final series last weekend.


  1. Ethan Martin was involved in an incident in the Georgia High School Championship game. After he was called out on strikes, he argued with the umpire. The next inning, his brother, who was pitching, hit the umpire in the face with a pitch which the catcher ducked out of the way. The catcher has had a scholarship revoked and the school was fined $1000 by the GHSA. You can read about and see the video at:

    The dodgers got a real good sport and classy player. NOT!

  2. I agree with your comment, since I know Ethan personally. He is not a good sport nor classy player. He is the most cocky, arrogant young man I have ever met. I have personnally witnessesed when he has gotten drunk, tried to pick fights, and thought he had the right to choose any young lady he so desired. He may be a good pitcher, but I see more temper tantrums in his future. It was embarrasing that he partially orchestrated the hitting of the umpire on purpose in the Georgia High School Championship Game, especially since I have kids that go to Stephens County High School. The head coach knew his players were going to pull that stunt and cost the catcher the scholorship. Don't get me wrong. Cody, Ethan's brother, and the catcher, Matt Hill, also chose to do the stupid suggestion. The whole incident has been essentially swept under the rug here locally. Just read the articles in the local paper (The Toccoa Record) and you will see what I mean. For a weekly newspaper, the articles were just matter of fact with no extra description of the incident. Well, I hope Dodgers fans like Ethan, because honestly, more than a few people will be glad when he has left our community for good. As someone who loves MLB in general, I am sorry that Dodgers fans will have to go through future embarrasement.

  3. I've only known him as a pitcher and a teenage kid at our high school but I'd say he is a sweet person & very friendly. He'll be a very good player for the dodgers

  4. There are plenty of people in Toccoa, Georgia that are very proud of Ethan! He has worked very hard to get to where he is today. He is an awesome athlete, not just on the baseball field, but on the football field as well. Toccoa is a very small town and there are alot of small minded people here. Obviously, one wrote the previous entry. I'm sure your children aren't perfect and if you think about it, maybe you weren't perfect as a teenager either. Life is a learning process. We have all made mistakes and hopefully, we are better people because of them. We wish Ethan the best of luck with his new career! Go Dodgers!

  5. The post about Ethan being a very rude person, and him getting drunk and things like that; whoever posted that comment is a phony and do not know him personally, because that is not Ethan. I am a 17 year old that goes to SCHS and I am friends with Ethan and have been since I was a little kid. He is no such what that comment says. And just because Cody was involved in the State Championship Game has nothing to do with Ethan being involved and should have no affect on him.

  6. Talk about small minded people in Toccoa. What about the helmet throwing incident? Are the rest of you just wanting to borrow money from him when he becomes a millionaire? That's what I call small minded. I am a Toccoa resident with no children and don't know Ethan, but his antics on the baseball field certainly makes you wonder just what kind of person he is. The high school's championship season is a blemish not only on the high school sports program, but the whole town. Open your eyes, people.

  7. For those who obviously do not care about Ethan: Why waste your time posting about him? You are all sitting there waiting to bash him every chance you get. Let it be. I have not met the kid in my life(so I clearly don't expect any of his money), but I have seen him play baseball. Kids with his ability deal with a lot from players, fans, and coaches both on and off of the field. From what I have seen, he handles himself well. Everyone who has played baseball has thrown a helmet and every teenager has made some bad decisions, so comments like that are simply trying to degrade the kid and are unnecessary. Let's show some class, leave the kid alone, and let him celebrate a GREAT achievement....

  8. I have had the great pleasure of meeting Ethan Martin off the field and the young man is the definition of polite and classy. Sadly, human nature is designed to knock good people down and jealousy is usually the root. Be happy for his accomplishments! Moreover, just because you will never have the opportunity to reach such heights (unless you hear a loud beeping sound early in the morning and realize that you are, indeed, dreaming--so turn off your alarm clock) stop being the "negative Ned" everyone loves to hate! Grow up, crawl on your couch, and spin in your negativity you whistle blowers. Who would want you on any team in life? You are the joke of your own community. Were you the last kids on the play ground to get picked?
    I would be willing to bet that you were. Hence, why you are a FAN of MLB. The Dodgers know how to pick talent and skill and Ethan encompasses both.
    Stay strong Ethan and make the jealous "negative Ned's" even more mad when they read about your signing bonus in the papers!

  9. From what I here, Ethan Martin has not yet signed a contract with the Dodgers. Let's wait until after he has signed and starts playing to see what kind of person he really is. We all know he can play baseball. That is a given. Let's just hope he can handle the big lifestyle change and live up to his good nature. He is sooooo young!

  10. I was shocked to read the part of ethan getting drunk. I have never seen Ethan take a drink and I am a baseball player that has taken a drink. The whole teams knows he and Cody refrain from alcohol. The respect I have for both of those boys and Matt Hill is the highest. I ever saw anyone else pray before a game but these 3 do and I wish I was that brave to express my christian faith to ask God for help during a game. They all 3 love the game of baseball and have brought more paying fans this year than SC has ever had. Also the same in football Everyone came to see the performance of those brothers. I respect them and thier dads because both parents have done a great job with these 3 boys. Go Ethan show the world what you can do with a talent God has given you. Cody will be right behind you . Thanks for showing me what being a christian is all about. Matt something good will come out of this . God knows all about it and the wheels will turn someday and the bashers will be bashed.

  11. Jealousy is such a wicked weapon and this is what all this is about. Dodgers you are very fortunate to have such an outstanding young man on your team and I am sure you know this. This family is one of the strongest families I have ever met. These 2 boys lost thier maternal grandmother during baseball season last year. 6 mths later during football season their paternal grandfather died of lung cancer. This April thier paternal grandmother 6 mths after her husbands death was diagnosed with a tumor on her chest and had to have thoracic surgery . These boys are very close to thier grandparents and they greived and then put thier heads together and played ball thier very best for their grandparents. You are tough young men to endure the heartaches and the torture you are now receiving. Yet Ethan or the Hill boy has not exposed the harrassment behind the plate from the umpire. Such language I have never heard from a professional umpire. I would have thought Mr Friend would have taken care of that when he went to accept responsibility and a fine so quickly. I quess a countersuit would be appropriate. SEXUAL HARRASMENT TO MINORS Good Luck Ethan Play with all your might you have made Stephens County very proud. Cody your as good and will rise above all this junk, cause I know what you are made of. I know your whole family.. And Matt. Hill is one more fine young man and some college will benefit from having him on thier team.

  12. I have no hidden agenda. I'm not a resident of that area, I can only say that--based on what I saw on tape--and from the silence coming from that team's players and coaches, that I find all of the people involved (shortstop, pitcher, catcher, coach) to be morally reprehensible.

    If an ump is being classless, fine, take it to your coach, let him get tossed. Don't assault the umpire with a baseball. Totally, utterly classless.

    To those of you wishing to defend this young man: I don't believe it makes much logical sense to defend him by saying how nice and polite he is to you, or that he has never drank. That does not excuse anyone's behaviour on that day.

  13. You know what, shit happens. That's the past. I was in Ethans Graduating class and even had Dr. Warren with him 3rd period first semester. He is indeed very cocky and cannot hold hit liquor well at all. But oh well! there are plenty of people like that! He's a good guy. Just had the testosterone of a damn 19 year old like the rest of the 19 year olds out there. Give em credit. He's worked his way to get here.
