
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

RIP: Billy Loes

Former Dodger hurler Billy Loes passed away yesterday, via the NY Times. He pitched 6 years for Brooklyn while recording 50 wins and 26 losses. His Dodger ERA was 3.86. Billy was instrumental to the teams 3 pennant wins and the only Brooklyn World Series in 1955.

Billy Loes was known as a bit eccentric and has some choice quotes to prove it:
  • On why he didn't want to be a 20 game winner, "because then I'd be expected to do it every year.
  • "The Mets are a very good thing. They give everybody a job. Just like the W.P.A. (Works Project Association)." Loes was sold to the Mets, but he chose to retire instead.
  • On losing a ground ball during the 1952 World Series he said, "I lost it in the sun."
  • "Go ahead, write what you want about me and say I said it. You’ve been doing it right along anyway."
Hat Tip: Dodger Thoughts:

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