
Monday, May 30, 2011

Another Fire?!?

Man, maybe there is a curse on the Dodgers this year. Per ABC Channel 7:
Firefighters were back at Dodger Stadium on Monday morning after a small fire broke out for the second time in just a couple days.

Firefighters responded to a cinder-block storage room at 5:10 a.m. after reports of light smoke coming from the structure. The fire was declared a knockdown by 5:17 a.m.

It was the same storage room where a fire broke out during Saturday night's game against the Florida Marlins. Firefighters say that fire was caused by paper products igniting.

Firefighters are trying to figure out if Monday's fire is related to Saturday's fire or if there was a new source.

Clearly, this has been one of the most unusual years to be a Dodger fan.

(Hat Tip: Dodger Thoughts on Twitter)

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