
Monday, June 06, 2011

Draft Day!

Today is another opportunity for the Dodgers to find a diamond in the rough. It is Draft Day 2011 and the Dodgers are set be 16th out of the box. Will the experience and historical prowess of the franchise shine through? Can we steal a 6th rounder who can slug just like Kemp? I guess only time will tell.

To help the team along this journey are the brains behind the Blue curtain. Below is a pic from Ben Platt's twitter showing the Dodger crew behind this years draft.For information from MLB on this draft, go here.

Oh, and Tommy sent out his best wishes to all the hopeful prep ballplayers out there.

The surprise of many, Dee Gordon has been called up today and is expected to be the everyday SS, according to Dylan Hernandez.
In fact, his uni is already at the stadium.
(Pic Link)

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