
Friday, October 21, 2011

Matt Kemp Getting Some Just Rewards

Since the closing weeks of the season the main topic of discussion has been whether Matt Kemp should be MVP. No doubt, he had the numbers to garner the attention, but was he really the most valuable? At this point it's hard to tell what the sports writers will do, but considering the awards he's collected so far, I think that reality is coming closer to fruition.

As you know, last week he was named by Baseball America as the 2011 Major League Baseball Player of the Year.
As measured by Baseball-Reference's adjusted OPS metric—which compares a player's OPS with the league average and then adjusts for home ballpark—Matt Kemp had the most productive offensive season by any center fielder in the last 30 years. Like Ken Griffey Jr. in 1997, Kemp led his league in homers, RBIs and runs scored.
Now we find out, through True Blue LA, that he is the winner of MLB's 2011 National League Hank Aaron Award. This award was voted on by fans and Baseball broadcast teams throughout the league. So, in typical classy style Kemp made sure to thank those who pulled for him.He's had a busy off-season, so far, and I'm sure it's about to get busier. Heck, how much do you want to bet a Silver Slugger and Gold Glove come his way, as well?

One thing is for sure. If Ellen DeGeneres had her way Matt Kemp would be MVP. Unfortunately, he'd didn't do much to show off his arm. (Hat Tip: Dodger Thoughts)
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(Above pic credit: Los Angeles Dodgers Jon SooHoo)

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