
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Blog Kiosk/Dodgers Links: 5/27/2012

Panini provides more preview pics of a new card product made just for kids.  It is called 2012 Triple Play Baseball, and it features many MLB stars in animated glory.  It will be affordable (at just 99 cents a pack), and will include inserts like stickers and usable eye black.  Watch out for it in July.  Check more pics at Panini's blog, here.  Of note, I think the Kemp card below more looks like Kobe Bryant than "Bison."
  • I know I'm late on this, but it's better late than never.  You gotta send AJ Ellis to the All-Star Game.  He deseres it.  Go here to vote.  There is also a online campaign.  Check out
  • Check out this Isotopes lineup to Sunday's game, via twitter @AbqTopes.
  • Eephus Blue came up with a great new Dodgers design and future trending twitter meme- #Gwinning!  Via twitter @EphusBlue.
  • That is awesome!
(Twitter Link: @dodgerscribe)
But from now on, Mattingly said Kemp has to be prepared to sit out an occasional game. No streak means no pressure to play him every day.

“I think it makes it easier to say, 'Matt, we need to give you a day. It’s the right day. We’re going to take care of you,'" Mattingly said. "At that point, I know he’ll fight me, but at that point I’ll probably play my manager card."
  • Watch AJ Ellis' get a face full of shaving cream and a hose down.

Video Link:

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