
Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Tommy in Stable and Comfortable Condition

With a collective gasp, all of Dodger nation was shook by the news from early this morning that Tommy Lasorda was submitted into the hospital for a heart attack on Monday.  Tommy was not at the MLB Draft yesterday where he was slated to announce the draft picks for the team.  As TMZ noted, Lasorda's absence at the draft was noticeable and caused some to worry.  Thankfully, as noted by the Dodgers in a just released press notice, Tommy is fine: 

Los Angeles Dodgers Hall of Fame manager Tommy Lasorda suffered a mild heart attack Monday while in New York for the Major League Baseball 2012 First-Year Player Draft. Lasorda, 84, was taken to New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center for treatment.
Doctors inserted a stent to correct a blocked artery in Lasorda’s heart. He is resting comfortably and in stable condition.
“The doctors confirmed I do bleed Dodger Blue,” Lasorda joked. “I’m looking forward to being back at the stadium to cheer on the Dodgers.”

I was glad to read that Tommy is back to his old self.  For those interested, TMZ has some exclusive footage from this past Sunday evening as Lasorda regaled the patrons at a Brooklyn Italian restaurant with his wonderful singing.

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