
Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Star Wars Night Pics from the Twittersphere

As you know, last night was Star Wars Night at Dodger Stadium and I was unable to attend.  Fortunately, the wonders of twitter was there to capture the event.  Below are numerous pics of the evening as found on twitter.  Before you check that out, though see these graphics put together by the Dodgers featuring several Dodgers as Star Wars characters.  The most outrageous of which was the Chad Billingley/ Chewbacca pic.  See it below.  It is really scary.  Go here to see all 10 made by the Dodgers.  Furthermore. Chris Hardwick of the Nerdist was there to throw out the first pitch and shares some photos from the day on their website.  Go here to see them.

(Pic Link: Dodgers Facebook)

These Stormtroopers take aim at a menace in the sky.
(Pic Link: twitter @dalillamma)

Here is an awesome group photo of some of the participants.
(Pic Link: twitter @Dodgers)

(Pic Link: twitter @kt_wells)

Fear the Empire!
(Pic Link: instagram @arashmarkazi)
 Matt Kemp is digging these uniforms.
(Pic Link: instagram @Dodgers)

Yoda knows!  Dodgers all the way!
(Pic Link: twitter @Dodgers)

Chewbacca looks like he's melting.
(Pic Link: twitter @antimodel)

Here's a close-up view of the Star Wars t-shirts.
(Pic Link: lockerz @Matthew Hernandez)

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