
Saturday, March 21, 2015

Blog Kiosk: 3/23/2015 - Dodger Links - Ryu is Still Ailing

The Dodgers spring is in full bloom in the vintage International News press photo above.  It is dated March 15, 1945 and was taken in Bear Mountain - their Spring home during much of WWII.  It says on the reverse:
DODGERS OPEN SPRING TRAINING.  Bear Mountains.....Ed Stevens covers first base and takes a toss as the Brooklyn Dodgers open spring training at Bear Mountain.  Stevens is the first baseman who may replace Schultz.  Manager Leo Durocher is coaching from the rear and giving his men tips on the correct way to do it.  "IT" being everything pertaining to baseball."  
Obviously, the description above is for a different picture.  So I ask, who the the gentleman in the photo above.  Anyone know?

I ran into this photo on eBay.  You check out the auction listing here.  Below are some more links to check out:
Yet, many people, those who I know personally and those I just come across in social media, still have no idea what it is that makes me collect. They ignore my enthusiasm or question my interests. Why would I want to waste money on picture cards?

Many of these people aren't sports fans. They don't understand and they don't want to understand.  "It's just sports," they say. "He'll always be that way." It's kind of like being patted on the head. But I don't get upset about it.

But I think I have a reason that might open the eyes of some of those people.

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