
Monday, December 28, 2015

Blog Kiosk: 12/28/2015 - Dodger Links - Some Odds and Ends

Check out this fantastic action press photograph, found on eBay, of future Cardinals Hall of Famer Frankie Frisch being forced out at third base during a Thursday afternoon game at Sportsman's Park in St. Louis.  Making the play for the Dodgers is third-sacker Jim Bucher.  It is from a game played on September 19, 1935.  Unfortunately, the Dodgers would get walloped 9-1 this day by the eventually World Series victors.  BTW, this photo was once a part of the fantastic George Michael Collection (a noted sports broadcaster) of Baseball sliding press photos.

Below are more links to check out:
  • RIP, Dave Henderson.  He died yesterday at the age of 57, via an AP report on FoxSports.  I still vividly remember his crushing home run during the 1986 ALCS against the Angels, and recall being kinda sad for my other 14-year old friends.  Secretly, though, I was overjoyed (since the Dodgers were nowhere near as good that season), and forever considered Henderson to be the greatest clutch hitter of all time (hey, I was 14).  I also remember being more fearful of him than anyone else in that A's lineup during the 1988 World Series.
  • Via Rick McNair at Bosox Injection, "Former Boston Red Sox Alex Hassan signs with Dodgers."  He is 27 years old and signed a minor league contract as an outfielder.
  • Look who's back.  The Dodgers signed Elian Herrera to a minor league contract over the weekend, via Mark Polishuk at MLB Trade Rumors.  Via Elian's twitter:

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