
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Blog Kiosk: 4/19/2011

  • Punk Rock Paint continues with his Star Wars Retro Baseball Card set. Below is card #8- C3PO on a 1888 N162 Goodwin Champions design. Check out this label to see his other Star Wars creations.
  • Cooperstown Chatter tells of a afternoon Baseball game in 1886 where a dog helped a batter with a home run.
    Wolf lofted a fly ball in Powell’s direction, but before he could collect the ball to return to the infield, he was attacked by a dog that heretofore had been snoozing in the outfield grass.
  • Bob Lemke reads through an entire run of The Sporting News magazines from 1953 so you don't have to. Read his post as he recounts the happenings, going-ons and his perception of what the Baseball season was like back then.
    The now-defunct tradition of baseball players picking up a little post-season income by scheduling barnstorming exhibition games in small towns and cities around the country was in its heyday in 1953. Besides Lopat's tour in Japan, exhibition schedules were set by all-star aggregations led by Frank Shea in New England, Jackie Robinson throughout the South and into Mexico, and Roy Campanella out west and in Hawaii.
  • Check out the fireworks from Jackie Robinson Night this past Friday at Dodger Stadium. I sure do love the music they played.

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