
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Jackie Robinson Foundation Award- "The ROBIE"

SCP Auctions, now famous for its sale of some Kirk Gibson memorabilia, is now running their most recent auction that focuses on items from the estate of former Boston Celtics coach and President, Red Auerbach. As expected, most of the items available are basketball related, but there is one item that struck the fancy of this Dodger fan.

In 1987 Red Auerbach won the Jackie Robinson Foundation Award for
"...outstanding record as a successful business leader, positive role model and pioneer in your efforts to open up professional basketball."
I'll let the auction description describe the award itself.
The Jackie Robinson Foundation (JRF) is a national, not–for–profit, organization founded in 1973 as a vehicle to perpetuate the memory of Jackie Robinson through the advancement of higher education among underserved populations. The Jackie Robinson Foundation Awards Dinner is held annually at New York's Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. For nearly three decades, the iconic event pays tribute to individuals who embody the humanitarian ideals of Jackie Robinson and raises funds for the Jackie Robinson Foundation.
Go to their website here to learn more about this organization.

(Auction Link)

1 comment:

  1. As expected, most of the items available are basketball related, but there is one item that struck the fancy of this Dodger fan.
