
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A Giant Suspended for PED- Should We be Surprised?

Ya know what's great about being a Dodgers fan?

Being able to rain on the parade of a good Giants season.

Today, we get word from Jorge Arangure, a senior Baseball writer for ESPN, that their surprising star of 2012 , Melky Cabrera has been caught using the juice.  Via his twitter @jorgearangure.  BTW, in case you are in disbelief.  SportsCenter also confirmed it on twitter, here.
(twitter link)

Considering Melky's stats for this season compared to what he has done historically, I guess we shouldn't be surprised.  Look at his career stats below, via Baseball Reference.

As you can see, there was a remarkable jump in stats starting in 2011 while he was with the Kansas City Royals.  Then an even bigger jump this season with the Giants.  I guess we now know why that was.

Hat Tip: MLB Trade Rumors

UPDATE:  Melky has apparently admitted to the mistake, via twitter @MLB.  At least he was man enough to own up to his error.
(twitter link)

UPDATE II: And this is how I feel.

Video Link:

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