
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

We're All Gonna Miss You, Gary

A couple of weeks ago the father of my best friend from college passed away.  Over the past several weeks everything was looking better, but in the end his heart could not hold on.  It was a tough time for my friend.  He was there for his Dad every step of the way, and I know the father of two will be sorely missed.  As my buddy told me, "he was a good man who had accomplished all that he had hoped to during his time on earth.  In the end, he had no regrets."  That is something I'm sure we all would want to say about ourselves when our time comes to pass.

As that evening rolled on, I made sure to give my condolences and provide the kind of support only a friend of 20+ years could give.  We talked about his life, and joked in a manner only those who know us could understand. 

Which is why I feel compelled to write this post.

My friend of 20+ years turned to me and asked, "so, are ya going to write a post about a Dodgers casket?"  I, of course, looked at him strangely.  I was both shocked and bemused.  Then, we had a laugh.  Apparently, he had spoken with his uncle who asked, in what my friend described as an excited manner, if I was going to write a post about the newest trend in memorial services.  So, in honor of my friend and the sense of humor his entire family continues to hold even in these times of grief, I share with you something any die-hard would love to spend their restful days in.

(pic link)

For those more inclined to finding an urn as a final resting place check this out. As strange as it is to write this, I must say that this thing is awesome.

Unfortunately, Gary (my buddies father) was an Angels fan.  So the below Angels urn will have to do.

On a side note, we use to joke how strange that was.  You see, although I am a Dodgers fan I have resided for most of my life in Orange County.  On the other hand, my friend and his father were Angels fans, but they had lived for most of their lives in Los Angeles.  Strange stuff, eh?

BTW, we are all Kings fans.  The last time I saw Gary we rejoiced in seeing our Kings finally win the Stanley Cup.  He had a true smile of happiness about that one.  So, I like to think they won it for him.  After all, don't we all want to see our team win it at least once before we die?

So, to Gary or Dancing Bear as he was called when he was a conductor in the rail road, I send you off in the best way a Baseball and hockey fan can.  You had the opportunity to witness a championship from both your Angels and Kings, and I am grateful for that. 
(pic link)

And I want to end this post by sharing a video I recently saw that I think we all can appreciate.  In the early 80's Sesame Street tackled the subject of death in one of their episodes when Will Lee (who played Mr. Hooper) died.  It's incredibly well done and is sure to cause some tears.  Man-O-Live, Sesame Street really is one of the greatest televisions shows around.

Sesame Street - I'm Gonna Miss You, Mr. Hooper! by Wrestlegameshow
Video Link:

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