
Friday, May 24, 2013

Blog Kiosk: 5/24/2013

The 5th edition of the Dodgers Playbill debuts with Dodger Hall of Fame Spanish-language broadcaster Jaime Jarrín on the cover. See it above.  Fans receive the playbill when they enter the Dodger Stadium parking gates.
  • Ken Rosenthal on twitter shares some comments from Dodgers President Stan Kasten on Mattingly's recent comments.  Interesting. 
Mattingly didn't bench Ethier because he doesn't have any fire, it's because Andre internalizes and misdirects it.  All athletes feel the emotion of the game; it's how they handle it that separates the great ones from the Milton Bradleys.
This is exactly how I feel.
  • This is excellent.  This Scott Bradlee guy is a great musical composer/ arranger.  Here is a 1920's style cover of PSY's song "Gentleman"

Video Link:

* Please follow on twitter @ernestreyes *
* Dodgers Blue Heaven home page *

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