
Monday, May 20, 2013

Should He Stay Or Should He Go

This isn't my best effort, but it's all I could muster.  The Dodgers situation has me all a fluster.  We lost another series this past weekend.  Does this mean we are should be weary for the season?

Below are my reworked lyrics focused on the current situation regarding Don Mattingly.  Sung along with the classic British punk song by the Clash "Should I Stay or Should I Go".  BTW, I removed the Spanish language backing vocals because (quite frankly) my Spanish sucks.
Darling you gotta let me know
Should Donnie stay or should he go?
If you say that he stays Blue
I'll still be rootin' for the crew
Still that leash is shorter, ya know
Should Donnie stay or should he go?

Dodgers tease tease tease
Free agents signed to record fees
One day play well, but mostly bad
The losing streak has me so mad
Well come on and let us know
Should Donnie stay or should he go?

Should Donnie stay or should he go now?
Should Donnie stay or should he go now?
If he goes it's signs of trouble
An if he stays we'll see a rumble
So come on and let us know

Your decisions do bug me
The bullpen sucks, what could it be?
Have you mismanaged our 'pen arms?
Or has bad luck kicked you to your knees?
Come on and let us know
Do you know what you should do?

Should Donnie stay or should he go now?
If he goes it's signs of trouble
An if he stays we'll see a rumble
So you gotta let us know
Should Donnie stay or should he go?
Play the video below and sing along!

Video Link:

Pic credit above: Jon SooHoo/LA Dodgers 2013

* Please follow on twitter @ernestreyes *
* Dodgers Blue Heaven home page *


  1. Ned should go. He gave Mattingly Guerrier, League, Lilly, Cruz, Uribe, Hernandez and Sellers. All those guys hurt our team and he didn't have many solid back-ups for when our starters got injured. Blame Ned, I say!

    1. I wouldn't be surprised if Colletti is the first one to go

  2. LOL - digging this rework of a song from one of my favorite bands of all time.

    I tend to agree with you guys about colletti leaving - that dang ex-giant.

    As Tony Montana said when they dropped Omar Suarez out of the helicopter: "I never trusted that guy."
