
Wednesday, June 05, 2013

A LA Kings Artist Rendering of the Ice Surface at Dodger Stadium

Before I start, let me say that I disavow the somewhat dour tone I expressed in my previous post regarding the Kings game last night.  I was truly worried that the Kings had run out of gas after seeing them lose so badly in Chicago.  But now, after witnessing a total reversal last night, I take that back.  The Kings are fine, and look like the team I've come to love.  I'll also add that Coach Sutter is a genius.  He decided to mix up the forward lines by placing their top-line center (Kopitar) on the 3rd line.  This had the effect of spreading out our talent and forcing the Blackhawks to defend.  It thinned out their defense and created more space for the Kings forwards to work with.  As a result, the Kings won in convincing fashion.  No... They won in GRITTY fashion.

OK.  Now that that's over with, at the game last night I came across a graphic artist rendering of what the ice surface could look like at Dodger Stadium.  In fact, it says right on the bottom that it is not the actual model, but it certainly would present one of the ideas the league has tossed around.  See a pic below.

As you can see, it totally sucks!  Really.  It's horrible.

First of all, someone forgot to tell the artist that Dodger Stadium recently had a facelift, so those outfield screens no longer look like that.  It's so 2012.

Secondly, is that sand on the field?  Come on, now! 

This is hockey, and the last thing a hockey fan wants to see is sand.

Heck, can you imagine if a gust of wind came along and blew some of that sand on the ice?  It would be a nightmare.

And what the heck is are those things in the outfield?  Are those sand volleyball courts?  Volleyball! 


No... that is unacceptable.

Of course, if this means that scantily clad ladies will be roaming the field and stadium, then maybe a compromise can be made.

For more information on this event go here.

* Please follow on twitter @ernestreyes *
* Dodgers Blue Heaven home page *

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