
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Blog Kiosk: 8/31/2013 - Dodgers Links -

Last night, U.S. Army Sergeant Matthew Merkle of Westlake Village hung out with R2D2 on Star Wars Night.  He was the Veteran of the Game.  Pic via Jon SooHoo/ LA Dodgers 2013.
On opportunities to use the ice in the days after the Kings-Ducks game:
I don’t think you’ll see any other major ticketed event because, again, the logistics of…the ice surface needs to go, I think, from Los Angeles to Vancouver, so it’d have to be out by Wednesday. So we are looking at additional ancillary types of events to potentially allow people to come into Dodger Stadium and participate with the ice condition, but again, that’s all pretty preliminary. The first stage is kind of getting through the timing and the schedule, and the next piece is now looking at things and opportunities for people to interact within a pretty unique environment. Our goal would be to line that stuff up and make certain announcements over the next couple months.

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