
Friday, November 15, 2013

Puig Destroyer Just Released 2 New Songs From their New Album

Puig Destroyer, the grindcore gods named after our wily outfielder, is set to release their 2nd album next week.  In preparation for this anticipated event, they released two new songs through Pure Volume and Decibel Magazine for fans to listen to.  They are called Play the Game (The Right Way) and First to Third, and the new album is called Wait for Spring.  Above is the album cover.  The band's website is here.

As you may already know, their style of music is an acquired taste.  As drummer Riley Breckenridge relayed in an  LA Weekly interview:
"He's a freakish prospect that terrorizes opposing pitchers," Breckenridge says. "He's insanely raw and incredibly talented. He's got all of the tools but he doesn't know how to use all of the tools yet. He plays with a level of energy that is kind of reckless. It fits the style of music that we wanted to play."
Grindcore is best characterized as extreme metal music - like fast, loud and abrasive - just like Puig.

BTW, I did an interview with Puig Destroyer drummer Riley Breckenridge in June.  Check that out here.

Now, listen to the two new songs below. 

First to Third
(I can't get this to load, go to the Decibel Magazine link to hear the song, here.)

Here are the lyrics to the above song:
I was built
to race around the bags
at suicide pace
from first to third
I was built
to race around the bags
at suicide pace
from first to third
from first to third
This next song is clearly the most controversial.  Puig Destroyer figures they might as well say what a lot of folks are thinking when it comes to the controversy that surrounds the way Yasiel Puig plays.  Here are the lyrics:
your racist sh**
sickens me to death

you ignorant, white fu**
how can you be so oblivious?

play the game the right way,
you mean the white way

Play the Game (The Right Way)- Pure Volume Link Here

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