
Monday, April 21, 2014

Blog Kiosk: 4/21/2014 - Dodger Links - Puiggy, Kershaw Getting Close and the Continued Saga of Uribe's Fantastic Outfits

Just Puig being Puig.  What a play by Puig on Miguel Montero's drive down the line.  Watch it hereGif via Dodger Dugout.
"This was full effort for me," he said. "You can't simulate the adrenaline of a big league game. But as far as [a] 10 a.m. sim game, that's all I got."
"I'm trying to do what I did in the second half of last year, to focus on location and not focus on how hard I'm throwing. Really I'm just trying to focus on keeping the ball down," Haren said. "This year I've gotten a lot more ground balls. I don't know what I can attest that to, other than focusing on keeping the ball at the knees or below. I've tended to be a fly ball pitcher over my career, but this year I've gotten a few more ground balls."
"You're seeing him adapt to who he is right now," manager Don Mattingly said. "He's putting doubt in hitters' minds. It's two [good starts] in a row, so hopefully he's just building. 

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you Ernest for getting the word out on my blog post. I'll be sure to let you know when I post on this Thursday's game.
