
Friday, April 04, 2014

Puig Arrives Late - Scratched from Game - Kemp Now In

I can just imagine the howls from the peanut gallery now.

"Puig is an irresponsible oaf!" 

"He is a clubhouse cancer!"

"He needs to grow up!"

And, you know what?  Considering the news that has been percolating this morning, the naysayers would be right.

It has been reported widely on twitter that Yasiel Puig was late to the Dodgers workout.  He missed his rotation in the batting cage and was not on the field for early workouts.  Via Bill Plunkett at the OC Register on twitter:

As a result, returning outfielder Matt Kemp has been inserted into todays starting lineup.  Check it out below, via David Vassegh on twitter:

I've been willing to excuse much of the shenanigans surrounding Puig, but this is going too far.  It's Opening Day and he should know better by now.

What's the deal, Puig!

Here's a great photo from Scott Killeen on twitter of Manny Mota having a discussion with Yasiel.  I am sure it's the same lecture he's heard numerous times before.

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