
Saturday, June 21, 2014

Blog Kiosk: 6/21/2014 - Dodger Links - Learning from Vin, Kershaw and Dodgers Trading an Outfielder?

I just think this is a phenomenal portrait photo of Andre Ethier taken by Jon SooHoo.  Go here to check out more of his photos taken in San Diego yesterday.  He includes a bunch of other great Dodger portraits.
Be Humble

Scully never seems to come across as Hollywood, even though he’s been with the Dodgers in Los Angeles since 1958. He is baseball royalty, but comes across as genuine. Just after Kershaw’s no-hitter Weds. night, a network camera man told me that he saw how giddy Scully was when the LA Kings swung by Dodgers Stadium to let him hold the Stanley Cup.

“I have had conversations with him twice—1987 at Dodger Stadium and 2004 at Fenway Park–and he remembered the 1987 exchange. I was stunned.”

Scully shows that no matter how great you are, you don’t have to act like it. Your work will speak for itself, and along the way, don’t let climbing up the ladder turn you away from the qualities that got you there in the first place.
Several teams report the Dodgers are telling them they'll listen right now on every one of their outfielders except Yasiel Puig. And that's a potential storyline to watch, in a market incredibly thin on bats. But those clubs believe the Dodgers are really just trying to lay the groundwork to deal Matt Kemp or Andre Ethier over the winter, when they'll be marketed as excellent alternatives to one of the weakest free-agent outfield groups in years. (Top of that class: Colby Rasmus, Michael Morse and Melky Cabrera.)
The stats are one thing, but overlaying video of all 15 of his strikeout pitches from the no-hitter offers something else. Pay close attention to Kershaw's delivery. We didn't align the video layers to his position; we used fixed positions. Despite that, from the first inning to the ninth, his delivery is perfectly consistent. Look at how little ghosting there is of the images up until the release point; that's amazing discipline. 
"It's awesome to hear from a lot of people," he said. "They just said they were proud and it was fun to watch."
    • shares a bunch of photos of the Kings and the Stanley Cup in Las Vegas.  Vegas, baby!

    * Please follow on twitter @ernestreyes *
    * Dodgers Blue Heaven home page *

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