
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Blog Kiosk: 10/30/2014 - Dodger Links - Congrats...

There's not much to add to the photo shown above.  It is one of Dodger photographer Barney Stein's greatest pieces of work, and it unmistakably conveys the feeling of loss, pain and sorrow.  This was the picture I had stuck in my mind when I finally came to the realization that the Giants had once again taken home the crown, and that I, like Ralph Branca in the photo above and many thousands of Dodger fans today, have to accept the notion that we have to wait 'til next year.

Fortunately, I know that soon after that fateful home run some 63 years ago a Jesuit Priest was able to put Branca's mind at peace by putting it in the proper perspective, and I take solace in knowing that it applies today.  Our faith is strong enough to endure what we have to face tomorrow.  So with that, I extend my hand in congratulations to this years victors.

Congrats, Giants.  You have no doubt built a dynasty worthy of the most hallowed halls of Baseball.

All I can add at this point is thank goodness that there will be another season - unless the zombies come, in which case I'll be grabbing my red handled machete in hopes of finding that cappuccino sipping hipster lookalike Terminite up north. Oh... And thank goodness for Kings hockey.

Below are some links to check out:
But strength and character are not limited to one team per season. it’s not zero-sum. That the Dodgers fell short does not mean they are empty, bereft. Their season was not without meaning. And any idea that the Dodgers couldn’t win because of such and such a person is emphatically ridiculous.

I have no doubt that if you restarted the 2014 MLB playoffs with the same participants, they would yield a different result.

The World Series is absolutely the grand prize, the holy grail. The Dodgers’ goal, from the top of the organization to the bottom, from the clubhouse to the front office, was nothing less. Elimination was, and still is, a gut punch. My acceptance of tonight’s result is simply acceptance of the hole in my stomach.
As truly horrible parts of American history are, now one of the great things about America is that it's a melting pot of many different cultures. Major League Baseball is a tremendous example of this. You can't find a single team in the MLB that doesn't have a player who originated outside the country. I love that.

To say something like Zeb did is just so completely ignorant it's shocking.

* Please follow on twitter @ernestreyes *
* Dodgers Blue Heaven home page *

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