
Thursday, March 26, 2015

MLB15 Video: Puig Says Sorry for Not Playing the Game Right

MLB 15 is around the corner, so why not release another promotional video featuring cover boy Yasiel Puig.  Watch it below. 

This time we get a more personal look at the man... The myth... The legend.  He speaks a bit about Cuba and the family and friends he left behind.  Even more interestingly, he apologizes to the critics who are irked by him - for whatever reason.  Puig says:
To the people who say, I'm not playing the game the right way...

All I can tell them is...

I'm Sorry...

I don't know how you want me to play Baseball...

This is the way that I play
This whole thing is a bit "tongue and cheek," so it's unlikely to assuage any of the furor that always seems to surround him. 

Watch the entire video below.

Video Link:

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