
Thursday, December 10, 2015

Blog Kiosk: 12/10/2015 - Dodger Links - Some Odds and Ends

Here's a fantastic vintage color photograph of Ebbets Field from behind the plate towards the right field pole.  Photo via Lost Ballparks on twitter.

Below are more links to check out:
“We’ve had tremendous amount of conversations with other teams … and various agents,” Friedman told Rizzo. “We obviously had a lot of dialogue coming into this week. And so we had a good feel for areas we wanted to spend a lot of time on. Some have led to dead ends, and some are still kind of going. We had a target list of guys that we want to try to acquire, and we’re doing everything we can to try to bring some of these guys to Los Angeles.”

“I think the trickiest part of the offseason by a lot is the timing element. Oftentimes, you’re not able to work down your list methodically — it’s the guy who’s third or fourth on your list you can work something out with now, but that means obviously foregoing guys one, two, three, and that’s a risk that you take. … Do you take the chance and wait?”
  • Oh my!  How things have changed.  Via One NaciĆ³n at ESPN, "Dodgers' Yasiel Puig to return to Cuba with MLB."  They are set to have a Goodwill Tour in Cuba soon and several Cubans who had recently defected are heading back to the island.
For Puig, considering the dangerous circumstances of his escape from Cuba, it's perhaps most important that the Cuban government has promised the returning players that they will be allowed to leave safely and that they will be granted time at the hotel to visit with family members.

  • A must read!  Check out Patrick O'Sullivan's personal story of physical abuse at the hands of his sports obsessed Dad The Players Tribune, titled "Black & Blue."  O'Sullivan played for the LA Kings and I recall hearing stories about his past.
I’m not writing this article for my father. I’m writing it for the people in the parking lot.

Yes, if you say something, you may ruin the relationship you have with that person. You may get embarrassed in front of the other hockey parents. You may have to go through the awkwardness of filing a police report.

I can understand why a lot of people worry, “But what if I’m wrong?”

If you are wrong, that’s the absolute best case scenario. The alternative is that child is a prisoner in his own home. What you’re seeing in the parking lot or outside the locker room — whether it’s a kid getting grabbed and screamed at, or shoved up against a car — could just be the tip of the iceberg.

* Please follow on twitter @ernestreyes *
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