
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Mike Piazza was on Jimmy Kimmel Live and Shared a Lasorda Story

With the Hall of Fame induction ceremony around the corner, Mike Piazza visited Jimmy Kimmel Live last night and took a moment to discuss Tommy Lasorda's reaction to finding out he'd be going in as a Met.  You gotta check it out (video at the very bottom).  It's quite funny.

What's even better is that the once surly Piazza appears to have cooled his heals.  In the past I think it'd be fair to say that he was openly hostile to the Dodgers.  He was publicly emphatic about the New York Mets being closer to his heart, and openly dismissive of the team that gave him his start.  No doubt, he was still pained by the trade that ushered him out of Los Angeles.  As you will see, though, time has changed his perspective.  Kimmel plainly asked if he would come to LA should the Dodgers honor him, and he responded with an affirmative. 

What this means is that we should be having a Mike Piazza Day very soon in Los Angeles.  If not this season, then definitely next.

In the meantime, watch the exchange below.

Video Link:

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