
Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Blog Kiosk: 3/21/2017 - Dodgers Links - Some Spring Odds and Ends

I've been a bit derelict in my duties on this blog due to a cold that just won't go away.  It sucks and I'm hoping that spending some time in the office doing some work and putting up this blog will ease my ills.  Considering this I decided to track down a vintage pic related to a cold and the Dodgers and came up with the above photograph of Babe Ruth.  Although his scenario is far more pressing then my illness I decided it was worth putting up.

Featured above is a circa 1938 press photo (as found on eBay) featuring Dodgers coach Babe Ruth taking a brief leave from the team to attend to his ailing daughter, Julia.  Per John McMurray at SABR:
George Herman (Babe) Ruth, rushed by motor cycle escort from Ebbets Field, where he had been coaching the Brooklyn Dodgers, gave his 22-year-old adopted daughter, Julia, 500 cubic centimeters of his blood in a transfusion at 6 o’clock last night at the Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital, 210 East Sixty-fourth [sic] Street. After the transfusion, Ruth rested for an hour and then drove his wife, Mrs. Claire Ruth, home. Fifty youngsters from the neighborhood of the hospital met him at its doors as he left, asking for his autograph. He told them he was forced to refuse because his right arm felt weakened.
Below are more links to check out:
  • This Day in Dodger History:  In 1966 the Dodgers and Astros are the first Major League teams to play on artificial grass when they play a spring training game at the Astrodome.
  • Happy Birthday, Mysterious Walker, Bill Lamar, Jim Hughes, Tommy Davis & Carlos Monasterios!
  • Despite losing to Puerto Rico Kenley Jansen had fun pitching yesterday for the Netherlands.  He pitched one scoreless inning in the 9th - throwing nine pitches to record two strike outs.  Per Chad Thornburg at
"I had fun just being home, just getting out of Arizona and playing for my country," Jansen said. "I'm very proud to do that because I'm representing my mom, my dad, my brothers, my friends, family. For me, it was great to be here, and I'm thankful that I pitched today, too. It got me still going where [Dodgers pitching coach] Rick Honeycutt wanted me to be."
  • WTF!  This kind of stuff only happens during spring training.  Per Trevor Vernola at Dodgers Nation; "Brandon McCarthy Has a Strange Feud With Cupcakes."  Apparently, he hates excessive frosting on cupcakes.  Heck, Arizona NBC News12 called it, "Brandon McCarthy's war on Cupcakes," and shares an interview with him to discuss it, here.
  • Jared Massey at Dodger Blue shares his; "Dodgers 2017 Top Prospects: Pitching And Shortstops Dominate Nos. 41-50."
  • It's hard to tell if the recent spate of ailments announced by the team is them  just being cautious or if we should really be concerned.  Per Ken Gurnick at; "Ethier has MRI on back; Adrian, Puig scratched."
"We're looking to give me days of relief instead of just one day," said Ethier. "I'm just not feeling right. Running will do it, sitting in the car will do it, taking a wrong step. I felt good two days in a row, but yesterday it wasn't the same. It's still March and I'm not pushing through things if I don't have to. I'm walking, I'm moving."
Dodgers manager Dave Roberts said the door "hasn't closed" on Urias being in the rotation to start the season, even though he mentioned the other five as being "lined up" with their next scheduled starts.

"It would be unrealistic to say he'll start the season built up completely," Roberts said. "The door's not closed. To say he's up to 100 pitches is not realistic. There's a certain amount of innings that we're trying to find a way to have those innings when it matters most. All the games matter, I get that, but we're still navigating our way with Julio."
  • Per a BuzzFeed Blue video, Regular People Try To Catch Fly Balls With Joc Pederson.  Awesome!:

Video Link:

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