
Monday, March 02, 2020

Blog Kiosk: 3/2/2020 - Dodgers Links - Some Odds and Ends

LeBron James was seen sporting a Jackie Robinson Brooklyn Dodgers jersey over the weekend, via a tweet from the Lakers.

Below are more links to check out:
The Dodgers, though, asked MLB if it should be concerned about acquiring Betts and were assured not to worry.
“I know with our front office, we do a lot of our due diligence before we make a deal,” Roberts said. “We have no questions or any concerns, none at all.”
  • Via Bob Nightengale at USA Today -- "Free from the grind of Boston, David Price loving his new life with Dodgers: 'I couldn't be happier'"
“It’s such a big difference from Boston to here,’’ says Price, who makes his Los Angeles Dodgers spring-training debut Monday. “Really, it’s night and day."
“That was a big day for me, a very big day,’’ Price says, recounting the details. “I came in, got undressed, showered, came back to my locker, and stood there for 10 or 15 minutes. There were maybe two or three [reporters] hanging out, talking to other guys, and nobody came over to talk to me about my day. I couldn’t believe it. 
“It was like after me and Mookie had our introductory press conference at Dodger Stadium, we walk off the field when it was all done, and Mookie says, 'That’s it? Is this a joke?'"
“We were going to have to make a move in the next couple weeks, and so now he’s kind of dealing with a lat/shoulder thing that we’re still getting testing on,” Roberts said after Friday’s game. “We wish him the best and see what happens.”
When Dodgers pitchers and catchers reported for Spring Training on February 14, Alvarez was given a 30-day window to show the Dodgers that his past indiscretions were indeed past and that he was ready to move forward. He acknowledged that he had worked with a psychologist and fully realized this could be – and probably was – his last opportunity; at least with the Dodgers.
  • Via Rosie DiManno at The Star -- "‘I know what it feels like to be the bad guy’ — Blue Jay Ken Giles would give back tainted World Series ring, if it helps."
“Whatever they ask, I would oblige. Because what was going on at the time was not OK.”
“I was not aware about anything,” Giles states flatly. For this ex-Astro, so notoriously hard on himself that he once socked himself in the jaw after giving up a three-run ninth-inning homer, the refutation sounds genuine. “It crushed me to learn about the stuff that went on when I was there. I had no idea. I had no clue whatsoever. I was blindsided by the commissioner’s report. Up until then, I honestly didn’t believe it. Just crazy.”

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