
Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Blog Kiosk: 5/5/2020 - Dodgers Links & News - Some Odds and Ends

Here's a fun International News Press photo featuring slugger Duke Snider and skipper Chuck Dressen. It is unfortunately undated, but the auction listing (link here) says its from 1953 and the "33" refers to the number of home runs Snider had hit so far that season. As you may know, 1953 was Duke's best year. He would record a 9.2 WAR, hit 42 homers, knock in 126 runs, score a league-high 132 times, while slashing .336/.419/.627/1.046.

Below are more links to check out:
  • This Day in Dodgers HistoryIn 1955 future Hall of Fame manger Tommy Lasorda started his first game as a Major League pitcher and got shelled. He would only go one inning, striking out two, walking two and throwing three wild pitches -- tying a Major League record for wild pitches in an inning (boxscore). In 1976 the Dodgers hit seven home runs against the Cubs at Wrigley Field -- winning the game 14-12. Chicago hit two homers of their own. The Dodger home run hitters were Bill Russell, Ed Goodson, Ron Cey, Henry Cruz (2), Steve Yeager and Bill Buckner. The seven homers set a Dodgers team record for dingers in a game. In 2000 Tommy Lasorda is named manager of the United States' Olympic baseball team. Team USA would go on to win the gold medal in the Summer Olympics in Sydney, Australia.
  • Happy BirthdayGeorge DockinsJohnny Rutherford & Reggie Williams!
  • Off Topic: This is an example of the best of humanity. Per a report at the Independent -- "Grateful Irish honour their Famine debt to Choctaw tribe." Go here to check out the GoFundMe page
  • Per Hannah Keyser at Yahoo Sports -- "Mitch McConnell is using baseball for dangerous political theater during coronavirus crisis."
He is prioritizing the optics of a mission accomplished over the unpopular reality that we’re still very much mired in the precarious and poorly understood grasp of the pandemic. He wants to use sports to convince people everything is under control — which is not only craven and premature but almost certainly deathly dangerous.
 “I don’t know that there is a definitive plan yet,” he says.
Clark acknowledged that “it is a delicate balance” in deciding upon a route back and that “there may never be a perfect time” to move forward. But the union intends to “work alongside the league to find that right spot in time to get us back on the field,” with the hope being that “it is sooner rather than later.”
  • Ron Cervenka at Think Blue LA has a nice roundup on the most recent Dodgers Zoom Party, the second one so far this year, that was held last night -- "Dodgers Zoom Party-2 Tops 11,000."
  • Via Kyle Franzoni at Dodgers Way -- "Clayton Kershaw reveals his favorite Giant…err, player growing up."
“My favorite player was the Rangers’ Will Clark. Not the Giants’ Will Clark, but the Rangers’ Will Clark.”
His favorite players was pretty well known fact about Clayton. That said, I love that he said he was a fan of the Rangers' Will Clark. That's hilarious!
“We always draw random Dodger logos, so I thought it’d be fun to try to do all the teams since we had time”, Yoshida told me via Twitter. “I’m a softball parent, so I’d never had time for this on a ‘normal’ weekend.”
Yoshida didn’t use any templates or stencils as aids in his work, just a periodic glance at the logo on his phone for reference. 
“[I’d] lookup the cap logo on my phone. Lightly draw an outline in white. My kids take care of the colouring just using your run of the mull fat sidewalk chalk”, he recalled. “The ones people think are ‘simple’ may be the hardest. Any wrong move on weight or proportion can throw the whole thing off! Seriously, try to doodle the [Dodgers’] ‘LA’, [Giants’] ‘SF’ or the Phillies ‘P’!”

  • Joc Pederson is solidifying his "sneakerhead" credentials. He is teaming up with Nike to donate 5k pairs of the Air Zoom Pulse to healthcare workers, via his Instagram:

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