- Check out this new Dodger blog that focuses on Dodger Baseball cards called "Garvey Cey Russell Lopes." If you know of any other Dodger blogs out there not already on my Dodger blogroll please let me know about it.
- Thanks to Roberto at Vinny Scully is My Homeboy he points us to Mike Davis's blog. You know, the unsung hero from the 1988 World Series. He got that important walk in front of Kirk Gibson. Anyway, he has a blog and he writes about the Dodgers. Go and check it out and give him a hearty hello!
- Check that out. Big League Chew speculates that Manny just might take arbitration.
- They're Melting!
If you happen to read Russian please go the the link and let me know what this is all about.
(Hat Tip: Oliver Willis)
- DePodesta throws in a bit of honesty.
In all candor, the other part of this deal is the trade of Khalil's contract which was due to pay him $6.5 million in 2009. There are times when we have to make tough choices, and unfortunately finances do play a role.
- Cards In the Attic discovers the 1992 MAD Magazine card set.
- Ben Henry's Epic. He is setting the poem "Casey at the Bat" to Baseball cards on his blog- The Baseball Card Blog. It's really brilliant. Go to this link and start from the bottom to the top at "Lines 1 & 2." Below is one of the cards he transformed into a stanza from the poem.
- How is it that I've never gotten a foul ball at a ball game, yet Zach Hample and his legion of readers seem to snag a prize with regularity? It's just not fair.
- Little "Big" Leagues brought to you by ImprovEverywhere. This must have been a great thrill for these kids.
YouTube Link: ImprovEverywhere:
HatTip: Kladblog:
Suggestions on Dodger websites...check out Reflections of Blue.