Just take a look at those little generic Baseball men in the drawing above. Don't they look familiar?
Featured is an cartoon drawn by Bob Parker, and he is known to be one of an handful of artist, like MAD Magazine co-founder Jack Davis, to have his work grace the back of Topps sportscards during it's heyday.

Considering how little Topps paid for their drawings back then, as low as $3.00 each, it's not surprising that Parker decided to market his artwork on his own... and thank goodness for that. Otherwise, we wouldn't have these fantastic illustrations to enjoy.
The above drawing measures 7 1/2" x 11", and it highlights much of Campanella's career. He mentions Campanella's three MVP awards along with a caricature of a ballplayer hammering an MVP sign on the wall. The bottom cartoon of a swinging batter goes along with Parker's mention of Campy's mighty home run swing. Click on the above pic to embiggen.
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