What a nice offensive showing by the Boys in Blue this evening; especially after a shellacking I would prefer to forget. Nine hits, a bomb by Kemp, and a couple of triples helped propel the Dodgers past the Giants in a nail-biter, 7 to 5.
The Dodgers even showed some heart as they retook the lead after being unable to hold a early three run cushion. They just continued to hack away and grab a victory.
Kuroda was good enough to win as he held the Giants at bay, but the relief staff was another story. Kuo was shaky and Guerrier did not instill much confidence- although he did finish the job by limiting the damage. The enigmatic Broxton was roughed up again as he gave up another home run and put the tying run at the plate. Fortunately, he was able to close the doors and recorded his third save.
Not a bad start for the Dodger so far. They take the first series of the season and (I like to think) force the Giants to leave town with their tails between their legs. Three wins and one loss, I'd take that any day.
Colorado is next as the Dodger leave town on their first road trip for a game Tuesday.
- MLB Trade Rumors starts thinking about who will be the Dodgers fifth starter next Sunday. They speculate that they may call up Ely, or make room for Tim Redding at the risk of removing someone from the 40 man roster. Get the details here.

- A fund has been set up for Bryan Stow. He is currently in a medically induced coma after being attacked in the Dodgers parking lot.
Donations for Bryan: Go to at any bank listed at www.CUSWIRL.com or Common Wealth Credit Union and donate to account number #118881 at Common Wealth Credit Union.