- "Matt Kemp talks PlayStation, Dodgers"- Via Jon Robinson at ESPN.
"They have my batting stance down perfect. They have my swing. It's me in that game," Kemp tells me with a laugh. "And he's a pretty good looking dude ... at least I would say so."
- The Root takes a look at other African-American ballplayers who were trailblazers in their own right.
- Evan at New Mexico fan shares his photos of Opening day in Albuquerque.
- Chris at Dodgerfan.net repost his excellent story about Nancy Bea Hefley.
- Sons of Steve Garvey brings us the words of Vin Scully from Jackie Robinson Day.
- The Risa and Fall of Jim Tracy, via Chris Jaffe at Hardball Times.
With Tracy, what I find striking is not his personal proclivities and tactical decisions. Those are almost extraordinarily ordinary. There are certain things he does more or less than an average skipper, but nothing especially notable. The most interesting thing about Tracy is his career arc.
- Check out 42 great photos of Jackie Robinson at The Roosevelts. (Hat Tip: LFP)
- "Jackie Robinson: Nothing Inevitable About Him," via Kieth Olbermann of the Baseball Nerd. Olbermann couldn't be more right:
One of the few infuriating aspects of Jackie Robinson Day is the blowback from the uninformed. I have read today of how integration in this country was inevitable, and Robinson’s success in 1947 was just a happy coincidence. I have read that the talent of the Negro Leagues was just too great and had Robinson failed, had he hit .197 instead of .297, it was still inevitable that those great athletes would have forced their way into the mainstream of American sports.
Utter nonsense.
- My absence this past weekend from blogging is due solely to the recent playoff hopes of the LA Kings. I was at the game at Staples last night, and I have to note that I have never heard it so loud. When the Kings went up 1-0 in the third period the noise was deafening. If you don't already know, the Kings are 3-0 in the 7 game series against the Vancouver Canucks. For the first time in their history they lead a series by that margin. Hopefully, this coming Wednesday they can close it out with a series ending victory. Below are game highlights from last night