Here is today's Daily Conlon cards numbered #190 to #198. One of the notable players here is "Wee Willie"
Bill Sherdel of the St. Louis Cardinals (located right in the middle). Willie wasn't the fastest or hardest thrower on the team, but he sure could win on pure craftiness. Unfortunately, his sneaky pitching persona didn't go over too well in the 1928 world Series.
Sherdel was on the mound for Game 4 of the Fall Classic against the Yankees. With a 2 to 1 lead going into the 7th inning, Wee Willie faced
Babe Ruth and seemingly struck him out looking. But, it was with some controversy. Sherdel had quick pitched Ruth- he took the relay from the catcher with his foot on the rubber and quickly threw the ball at the plate for a strike before the batter could get set up. In the National League this was legal, but deemed illegal in the American League and in this game. Ruth would stay up at the plate and proceed to hit a game tying home run. Then the next batter,
Lou Gehrig, hit a homer and the route was on. The Cardinals would never recover as the Yankees would swept them for another championship.
Ranked at #36 on the Cards All-Time top 40 players by
The Cardinals Nation.com, his team records include
fourth all-time in career wins, third all-time in games pitched and fourth all-time in innings pitched and complete games.