Friday, February 27, 2015

World's Largest Marching Band at Dodger Stadium

Once upon a time I was a "Bando."  I wore a strange looking uniform with a giant unwieldy hat while carrying around a brass trombone I barely knew how to play.  And you know what, it was the time of my life.  I thoroughly enjoyed playing in my high school marching band, and often find myself thinking about those days with fondness.

So, when I came across the above patch on eBay (see auction here) I knew I had to find out more.  Unfortunately, information was rather scarce, so I apologize in advance for the poorly done research.  I would like to ask, though, for anyone who was a part of this glorious event to pass along their memories.  I'd really appreciate it.

Featured above is a patch given to participants of a Guinness Book of World Records event.  During the first homestand of the 1985 season 4,524 students from 52 local high schools descended on Dodger Stadium for a pregame show.  There were 3,182 musicians and 1,342 majorettes, flag bearers, drill team members and directors in total.  Best yet, they were to be conducted by the legendary Danny Kaye.  From what I understand, they played three songs and the National Anthem.

Below are a couple of photos found at the Library of Congress; as a part of the "Danny Kaye and Sylvia Fine Collection" in the Music Division.
(Danny Kaye and Sylvia Fine Collection, Library of Congress, Music Division)
(Danny Kaye and Sylvia Fine Collection, Library of Congress, Music Division)

And here is a color photograph from what looks like the top deck of Dodger Stadium.  There sure are a lot of "Bando's" on the field there.

I have no idea if this event still holds the record for the World's Largest Marching Band since the Guinness website doesn't appear to keep this particular record.
(photo via Airplane Life)

* Please follow on twitter @ernestreyes *
* Dodgers Blue Heaven home page *


  1. Hi Ernest, I remember participating and even have photos of the event but my shots seem to be from 1984. Was this a continuous event each year. I remember my band leader at the time mentioning that we were going to be in the Guinness Book of World's records.

    1. I don't think it was a continuous event. I think Danny Kaye and the Dodgers only tried to do this once. I could be wrong, though.

      If you have any photos you are willing to share please pass them along.

    2. Yes I remember this a drummer. DAnny Kaye kept starting and stopping the drum roll at the beginning of the National Anthem. He was and still is my favorite actor. He died soon after this and so they never did this again.

    3. I remember that too, I loved him and it was an honor to be part of it!

      Jay Wiessner

    4. Didnt they had us do some kinda dance routine during that performance. That was a fun night. I also remember him stopping the drum roll too.
      Marcus herrera
      Class of 85
      Arroyo high

    5. Fun times, a lot of work !

  2. I also recall that we all met outside of the stadium and had to march for what seemed like forever to be inducted into the Guinness Book of World Records as the Largest Marching Band Ever. good times :)

  3. Annie, so true ! We all had to March outside the stadium to set this record. Fun times ! I'm one of the musicians that was there..I played I still play today 2016..I just get really sore now ! God bless...iran t. ( st.agatha gospel choir) Gma, M.T.N.A.

    1. I was playing the trombone and remember the day od everyone stopping, 50 or more bone players running slides onto everyone lol. Good times :)

    2. Both my husband and I were participants as well. It was awesome to find this.

  4. “THE FRONT RANK” – Pipefest 2005, Holyrood Park Edinburgh – 21 August 2005
    Photographed by Colin Dickson
    Woth 300 ranks an 9800 band members, the worlds largest marching band.

  5. “THE FRONT RANK” – Pipefest 2005, Holyrood Park Edinburgh – 21 August 2005
    Photographed by Colin Dickson
    Woth 300 ranks an 9800 band members, the worlds largest marching band.

  6. the group in Scotland is not a 'marching band' its just a big gaggle of musicians, mostly bagpipers. In 1973 all 22 high school bands from Fairfax County Virginia formed a band of 2,043 members that marched the 1.7 mile Presidential Inaugural Parade in Washington DC; that should still be considered the record

  7. I was there on the field rhat day with my high school, Walnut High School Band. I think I still have the patch somewhere. So much fun, we played "I love L.A." on the field.

  8. I was in that picture. Norco High School marching band, I was in tall flags. I still have my patch. Does anybody know where I can get a copy of that photo?

    1. Identify yourself please!!!! Let's see.... Ape? Michelle? Zanna? Dix? Roach? Um... Chappy here!!! lol

  9. One of my greatest member I played trumpet in that event and was so excited to being conducted by Danny Kate truly a memorable day.

  10. Awesome article, it was exceptionally helpful! I simply began in this and I'm becoming more acquainted with it better! Cheers, keep doing awesome! Bandcamp to mp3

  11. I remember this from 1984 as well. I remember playing the theme from ET. Would love to see more pictures. :)

  12. I played in a similar mega-band during the 1979-80 school year. I graduated in 1980 and was in the first MARCHING band at my school. I think this was the first time they tried this assemblage of high school bands at Dodger Stadium. I just remember waiting outside the stadium forever. While we waited, other much more experienced bands did their routines that included a lot of dance moves - my school was doing good if we stayed in our ranks and files. Once inside, we were hard pressed to follow the conductor, who I think was Nelson Riddle. The acoustic required not listening, only watching and following the conductor.

  13. I played trumpet for Artesia HS (AHS) Marching Band and participated in the world record event at Dodger Stadium. It was quite the day and quite the feet to organize 4500+ teens. Is there any other AHS Bandos that remember this event?

  14. Wow! Talking with my husband about Dodger stadium (Julio Iglacias doing a special) and told him I performed there as the World’s largest marching band. Had to go pull my letter jacket out and check for that badge - it was there! Flute player from Whittier Christian class of ‘87. It was amazing and fun!

  15. Norco High. Norco, Ca.; Riverside County.
    That was a fun day indeed! Baritone was hanging off me that day!

  16. In 1978 I was 20 years old and was hired by Peter O'Malley and Fred Claire to join their marketing efforts to be the first team ever to draw 3 million fans in attendance. My job was to come up with creative ideas to increase ticket sales. So one of those ideas was to form the World's Largest Marching band which is what we did and brought in famed actor Danny Kaye to conduct thousands of musicians. It was a beautiful night. It took over 10 minutes to march over 8,000 high schoolers onto the Dodger field. They performed several songs and the national anthem. While we practiced marching around the stadium for a few hours before the pregame started, there was no practice on how to exit the field and we literally only had a couple of minutes to get thousands of band members and song leaders off the field so that the game could start on time. So Danny Kaye said about-face and the kids ran literally off the field. The next day , I received a note to go see Bob Smith who was in charge of stadium operations. And yes, we all know the Dodger field was Pristine and probably the nicest grass field that you could find anywhere in the world. It was a difficult conversation as I had to explain why we put 8,000 kids on the field. While we sold thousands of extra tickets that night,
    I explained that these kids were future season ticket holders for us and future Dodger fans. Fortunately, I had the support of the owner Peter O'Malley who really was one of the greatest owners of all time in any sport. He was a wonderful man to work for which I did for 10 years. We also had many high school band nights with Nelson Riddle, Doc Servison and many other celebrities conduct 1000 members High school band. We had a high school honor band every Opening day comprised of the top 10 musicians from a 100 high schools, and this was an annual event.
    If you would like any further information or have questions, please feel free to contact me at All the best to all Dodger fans.

    1. Hi Mike, this is Teresa, Glenn Colangelo 's wife. I loved reading your memories of the days with the Dodgers. Glenn remembers it fondly, too! I'm sure he would love to hear from you sometime! You can reach him at: Take care!

  17. What a memory this is for myself and My band/drill team. I was a part of the Fillmore High School Marching Band/Drill team (I was in Drill Team). We had the best Drum Major and a pretty awesome drumline. I will always remember this day it was a good time for us all . Fillmore Flashes 💙🤍⚡Class of '85!!

  18. I have one for 1983. I was in Jr high band at the time. Our conductor was Doc Severinson

    1. I was also there in 1983 - Jr. High band. We played eye of the tiger. I dont remember receiving a patch, but remember the Guinness Book World Record being mentioned. I am so glad someone remembers this!


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