If you decide to spend any amount of time surfing the net for interesting Dodger photos then you must go to Malingerings photo album on flickr. This photographer is a master and we are fortunate his/hers obsessions is the Dodgers.
Below is Candlestick Park in 1965.
Hall of famer Willie McCovey making the play at first base in a Sunday day game vs the Dodgers at the 'Stick. I shot this photo when I was fifteen and still have the negative.
Here is Willie Davis during Camera Day at Dodger Stadium in 1972. That ushers hat is awesome.
Here is a vintage pic of Ebbets Field in Brooklyn. Notice the original Trolley Dodgers hanging on to the back for dear life on the right.
Here is another pic from Olde New York featuring Carl Furillo crashing into the wall at Ebbets Field.

Below was taken after Garciaparra's walk-off home run following the Dodgers monumental back-to-back-to-back-to-back home run feat.

there are some great pics at walteromalley.com also.