Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Heritage Auctions: Writing to Jackie Robinson

In 1952 a young Syracuse University student named Richard wrote to Jackie Robinson in hopes that he could provide some insight.  Although we do not know exactly what Richard asked, I think it's fair to say that he wondered why Baseball?  Why does the public follow the game so closely?

Well, Jackie does his best to provide his opinion in this letter that is now up for sale at Heritage Auctions.

Read what he had to say below:
I received your letter and I believe that the reason for the publics staunch support and interest in baseball is that it has offered complete relaxation in a very enjoyable manner.  This may appear paradoxical, as we all know how avid fans of the team become excited, elated or saddened depending on the play.  In Baseball the interest and enjoyment offers such diversion, as it is complete relaxation from the daily chores.

Spectators have passed on their enthusiasm to their children.  It appears people are more anxious for entertainment where they can relax and take their minds off emergencies.  The army has established and maintained Baseball in occupation countries as they have proven it relieves tension and makes for relaxation.

I hope the above will prove helpful for your thesis.
I think Jackie is on the ball with his assessment.  We fans follow because it's a enjoyable departure from everyday life, and as Terence Mann said in 'Field of Dreams':
It reminds of us of all that once was good and it could be again.
A game like Baseball allows us to sit back and revel in the majesty of the play, and in the wonder of loss and gain.

As of this posting, the above letter is currently at $700.00.  I wouldn't be surprised if it reached even higher; considering its content.  BTW, I have a couple more post coming soon featuring both Dodgers and general Baseball memorabilia that are for sale; including some Civil War Baseball treasures.
(auction link)

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