Below is an incredible photographic reenactment of the capture and shooting of John Dillinger.
"Superimposed on the photo image of the notorious Chicago street corner are the hand drawn images of the participants in this real-life crime drama."

Of course, no auction is complete without a healthy dose of Dodger history. Emmett Kelly, hired by O'Malley to entertain the Brooklyn faithful, is shown below performing his "clean up man at bat" routine at Dodgertown in Vero Beach in 1957. Roy Campanella is behind the plate.

Here is a great photo of one of the most famous brawls to ever explode on a Baseball field. Juan Marichal, taking exception to being buzzed by a throw from John Roseboro, let's his bat do the talking- and I don't mean he knocked a homer to show up the Dodgers. Instead, he takes his bat and proceeds to pummel Roseboro. Johnny is stunned and seen sprawled on the ground ready to tackle his assailant, Juan is being held back by the umpire with bat in hand and Sandy looks shocked as he heads towards home plate. What a game this must have been.

Since yesterday was Jackie's birthday it wouldn't be right to not highlight some great Jackie photos. Below is Jackie receiving his Silver Slugger award in 1949 from Ford Frick. My favorite part about this picture is the guy with the funny hat. Where'd he get that? And how about that bloke with the glasses and the giant grin. He thinks he's a star.

Below is a 1947 photo during Spring Training in Cuba showing Jackie, wearing a Montreal Royals jersey, meeting his future manager Leo Durocher.

A reflective and dejected Robinson sits in the clubhouse after a 4-2 loss to the Yankees in the 1952 World Series. This was the third time Jackie and the Dodgers failed to win the crown against the hated Yanks. All Jackie could say was, "they didn't miss Joe DiMaggio, it was that Mantle, that Mickey Mantle killed us."

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