Well, a reader recently asked if the hat give-away was still in place since the above link for tickets now indicates a King themed "This Is My Town" t-shirt (see it below) instead of the hat. So, I gave a call to the PR department for an answer, and this is what I was told. Also, a big thanks to Amy for responding so quickly.
We sold out of the caps for the Kings Night promotion but still wanted our fans to be able to purchase the discounted ticket, so we replaced the cap with the My Town, Kings t-shirt. Everyone who purchased a ticket when the cap was available will receive the cap and everyone who purchased a ticket after the cap was sold out will receive a t-shirt. The vouchers that come with the ticket are marked appropriately.So there you have it. Demand was apparently high and the hats are now sold out.

Hope it works though, Changes are normal but i hope they're sure of it. Gotta get my Los Angeles Kings Tickets for the next season!